What brands are listed? What should you learn about deli meat listeria

What brands are listed? What should you learn about deli meat listeria

CDC issued a warning regarding warnings from the CDC about a listeria outbreak that has affected twelve states. The outbreak has killed two people and left 28 infected.

By Maria Francis

Jul 23, 2024 01:01 PM


A listeria outbreak has been reported in 12 states , killing two — including one in New Jersey — and hospitalizing nearly 30 people.

The outbreak is believed to be connected to deli meats cut in slices.

According to the Centers for Disease Control The cases are involving those who consume meats cut at the deli counters of the deli, grocery stores and food stores.

Listeria deli meat brands

While liverwurst, turkey, and ham were the three most likely to be sliced meats however, there aren’t any specific recalls currently in place or brand names identified.

Listeria can be spread through cross-contamination on equipment used in delis and kitchen surfaces, food items and contact with human. The bacteria can thrive in frigid temperatures such as those found in refrigerators.

Which states have reported a listeria outbreaks?

While these states are reporting cases of listeria however, the CDC stated that it could be higher as it can take several weeks in order for the cases to be confirmed.

  • Georgia
  • Illinois — one death
  • Massachusetts
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • North Carolina
  • New Jersey — one death
  • New York
  • Pennsylvania
  • Virginia,
  • Wisconsin

Who is at risk?

Listeria is particularly dangerous and is considered to be a extremely risky for those who are pregnant, 65 years old or more, or suffer from an impaired immune system.

The CDC advises people at a high risk to not consume meat cut in any deli counter except if it has been heated to an internal temperature of 165 degrees or until it is steaming hot. (Listeria is a foodborne pathogen that can develop on food stored in refrigerators.) Clean up your refrigerator, the containers or surfaces that have come in contact with sliced meats in deli.

What are the signs?

The symptoms usually begin in the first two weeks of eating food that has been contaminated that is contaminated with Listeria However, it may appear as late as up to 10 weeks after.

The symptoms comprise muscles aches, fever and fatigue, headaches stiff neck, confusion in balance, or seizures.

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